Ergonomics AG is a leading Swiss IT solutions provider in the areas of electronic payment and IT security. For 30 years, we have been implementing bespoke software solutions for financial institutions, government agencies, retail, trading companies and manufacturing.
In addition, Ergonomics supports core processes in industries such as retail, financial services, healthcare and public administration with industry-specific solution portfolios. This allows organizations to optimize their internal business processes, as well as external processes with customers, partners, and suppliers. Streamlined processes typically lead to substantially higher value generation.
Ergonomics solutions and products are successfully deployed across many industries. Ergonomics was founded in 1991, and employs some 30 staff in Zurich.
Ergonomics offers a broad IT project services portfolio. Core competences are: Software Engineering, Information Security & Risk Management, Consulting and Reviews. Solutions can be efficiently crafted and deployed by combining these services from a single point.
We work together with international manufacturers, whose products have proven their worth in practice and guarantee future roadmaps to ensure continuity and investment protection.
Questions or commments?
Call us!

Alexander Schümperli
Tel +41 58 311 1031